Pinnacle’s experience assisting law firms includes coverages such as:
- Asbestos and environmental
- Collateral protection
- Commercial auto
- Commercial multiple peril
- Commercial property
- Credit
- General and products liability
- Homeowners
- Medical professional liability
- Non-medical professional liability (e.g., lawyers, accountants, architects)
- Personal auto
- Title insurance
- Workers' compensation
Excellent litigation support requires independent actuaries you can trust and understand. Coupled with a solid reputation for credibility, we have extensive experience handling new license applications, complex litigation, class actions, arbitration, administrative hearings and other contractual disputes.
As well, we are seasoned actuarial litigation experts who can support your efforts to make your case as strong as possible through expert testimony. To help build a better case, we will successfully sort through challenging issues and finer details to identify key arguments, create resolution scenarios and assess financial damage.
Our actuarial litigation support team has extensive experience supporting insurer in-house legal staff for law firms and their clients, as well as presenting testimony before legislative bodies; administrative rate hearings; special panels; and federal, state and county courts. We can serve in all U.S. jurisdictions, and our clients include insurers, banks, self-insured companies, captives and state insurance departments.
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Litigation Support/Expert Witness Services
Administrative Hearing SupportPinnacle’s consultants have provided both testimony and expert reports in a wide variety of administrative hearings, lawsuits, arbitrations and other proceedings.
ArbitrationPinnacle has consultants who are experienced as expert witnesses in arbitrations and also ARIAS-certified arbitrators.
BenchmarkingPinnacle strives to construct benchmarks for any analysis, whether ratemaking, loss reserving or some other use, as close as possible to replicating the nature of the underlying data being reviewed.
Continuing Education for AttorneysPinnacle provides special interest seminars for attorneys that include loss reserving, ratemaking and valuation to explain key issues and best practices.
Damage CalculationsPinnacle has experience working with large datasets and creating models to assess damages and develop scenario outcomes.